Monday, March 17, 2008

Family Days

Don't you just love family days. Well Saturday was a wonderful day. It will most definately make it into my scrapbooks. We got up early Saturday morning and after breakfast headed outside to play and slide. We had a faboulous time sliding on the hill next to our pond and then decided to take a little hike up over the hill. We came across some big rocks that the kids loved climbing on. We seen daddy at the bottom of the hill coming to find us so we hid away from him. He played along great of course.

Here's our beautiful trio.

Of course the day didn't end there. The kids spent most of the day outside and that night we got to participate in Marine Atlantics Family Skate night. Kadyn, his second time on skates in 3 years didn't do so well but had a marvelous time being pulled and carried by mommy and daddy.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Port aux Basques is Kraft Hockeyville 2008


So we've been nominated for Kraft Hockeyville 2008. And why not! Our little town has great spirt and we love hockey. The neighbour hood kids and of course our kids love to play hockey right in our back yard on our pond. It's such a fun sport. Hopefully Canada will think the same after they see the spirit that Port aux Basques has. Good luck Port aux Basques!!!

Here we are today...supporting our town at the stadium for Hockey Day!

And who could go without having stadium fries!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!!

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family, near and far. 2008 has come on so quickly it's a little hard to believe actually. It's a year to start fresh and continue to be the best that we can be. We plan to keep the blog active, at least once a month so you know what we've been up to and keep showing you our growing family.

We've had a wonderful christmas. The kids must have been super good because Santa sure left a lot of presents at our house. Or maybe it was the extra reindeer food we put out and the wonderful peanut butter cookies that mommy made for Santa.

Here are a few photos to end 2007 and begin 2008!

Our Christmas

Kadyn and Jadian shaving with their new shaving kits received for Christmas.